
Wild Earth Wisdom Healing


Ingrid Cryns offers Wild Earth (WE) Wisdom, integrating over 20 years of expertise as a Psychotherapist and energy healer with her background as an Eco-Architect and homesteader.

Ingrid embodies a grounded presence as a gifted intuitive, combining psychoanalytical and transpersonal awareness with an energizing creative healing impulse.

A Registered Psychotherapist, certified as a Bioenergetic Analyst, Ingrid offers her own synthesis of body psychotherapy, shamanism, and sound healing. Specializing in healing relational & generational trauma at the core, her work heals the separations between body, mind, soul & the Earth. To find out more about her work, workshops & retreats, see: ingridcryns.ca

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  • July 27, 2024 8:33 am local time

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